The SRC «Carat» is fruitfully collaborating with leading regional institutions of higher education in training engineers and scientists in field of micro- and nanoelectronics.

Now the branch of Semiconductor Electronics Department of the «Lviv Politechnic» National University is operating at the SRC «Carat».


Scientific activity of the Department is concentrated in the following directions: semiconductor microelectronics, solid state physics and applied structures.


The Department deals with investigations of complex oxide crystals and thin films aiming on improvement of their properties and search of new applications in devices of electronic engineering; optimizes active media and transforming devices on their base for quantum, magneto-, and optoelectronics, transducers of physical quantities; studies physico-chemical synthesis and controlled modification processes of materials properties for application in functional, micro- and nanoelectronics.


Especially the Department attends to student R&D works. Senior students are actively engaged in scientific work in laboratories of the Department and SRC «Carat»; take part in domestic and international conferences.


Scientific and engineering staff of the SRC «Carat» gives theoretical courses on special disciplines to students and post-graduate ones; carries out laboratory works; is supervisors their diploma works and dissertations. Dr. Sc. Mykola Vakiv is the Department’s professor.


For the past years the Department has trained some hundreds of specialists, considerable part of which connected their own destiny with SRC «Carat». Due to fruitful collaboration with «Lviv Politechnic» National University a scientific staff has appreciably arisen – now 4 Doctors of Science and 7 PhDs are working at the Company.


The branch of Semiconductor Electronics Department of the «Lviv Politechnic» National University cooperate fruitfully with foreign scientific centers of Poland, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Japan, China, Russia, Great Britain, etc. in the frame of numerous intergovernmental programs on S&T cooperation. The Department’s staff together with scientists of the «Carat» has performed some tens of R&D works including more than 10 international projects.