Technology for А3В5
semiconductors and devices on their base
The following basic epitaxial structure
crystallization technologies are utilizing at SRC «Carat» for fabrication of
semiconductor materials:
- Liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) in high- and
low-temperature modes;
- Chloride gas process for epitaxy.
The main products:
- Epitaxial structures on the base of GaAs for Hall
- Epitaxial structures on the base of GaAs/AlGaAs for
heterolaser and LEDs operating in 630-810 nm spectral band;
- Epitaxial structures of InP/InGaAsP for LEDs
operating in 1000-1010 nm spectral band;
- Epitaxial structures of GaAs/AlGaAs/InGaP for
photoelectric converters of solar energy;
- Photoelectric converters on the base of
GaAs/AlGaAs,GaAs/AlGaAs/InGaP heterostructures with efficiency 20-22% at АМ 1.5
including solar sell concentrators.
Products are manufacturing in LPE furnaces on the base
of modernized machines SDO 125/3, SDOM, Evars (in-house design) and vapor-phase
epitaxy «Micro» (in-house design).
Recently the MOS hydride epitaxy facility «Discovery
180LDM» (Veeco, USA) has been put into operation together with JSC «Scientific
and Industrial Concern «Nauka» that allowed to start technology for fabrication
of state-of-art nanosized epitaxial structures for high-brightness LEDs, tandem
photoelectric converters with efficiency 35-40%, laser structures, etc.
Fabrication technology for conductor lines on
semiconductor surfaces metallized with Cr, Cu, brass, SiO2, Au, Ni with 5 μm
resolution has been developed at photolithography laboratory.
The laboratory’s specialists have developed a
technology for fabrication of interdigital transducers that is widely used for
production of acousto- and optoelectronic devices. Manufacturing technologies
for chips based on GaAs and InP epitaxial structures, CdHgTe substrates which
are using at fabrication of microwave electronic devices, photodetectors, LEDs,
laser wafers, etc.
The laboratory is located in class «100» in-house
designed microclimate module ММКІ-32(001). Laboratory facility gives
possibility to carry out contact photolithography processes onto substrates
with sizes from 10х10 mm till 240х240 mm and thickness from
Narrow gap
Laboratory of the narrow gap А2В6 semiconductors
electrophysic and optic investigations is equipped with:
- automatized complex for investigation of electrophysical
parameters of semiconductors with own software for parameter determination by
mobility discrete spectrum method;
- automatized complex for investigation of optical and
photoelectrical properties of semiconductors (photoluminescence,
photoconductivity, transmission and absorption) in 0.2…15 μm spectral band and
77-300 К temperature range;
- photolithography line located in class «100» clean
- ion beam milling facility.
The laboratory’s scientists and specialists have
carried out comprehensive investigations of ion milling influence on properties
of CdxHg1-xTe solid solutions. As result it has been revealed and formulated
the main regularities of the materials property modification during ion milling
process. It has given possibility to validate a physical basis for application
the ion milling as a method for formation of p-n junctions at fabrication of IR
photodiodes based on CdxHg1-xTe. Basing on this technology the laboratory is
now developing new types of CdHgTe IR photodiodes.
Vitreous semiconductors
and their alloys
The SRC «Carat» is carrying out a comprehensive
investigation of halcogenide glasses (HG) as a prospective material for
application in modern optoelectronics, photonics, telecommunications,
acoustooptics, xerography, lithography, etc.
Due to high transparency of optical fiber on the base
of HG in IR spectral band (overlapping bands of both telecommunication windows
3…5 and 8…12 μm) vitreous semiconductors could be potentially used in civil,
medical and military areas as chemical sensors, information record devices, IR
optofibers, optical switches, etc.
High sensitivity of halcogenide glass to external influence like to light, ionizing radiation or thermal treatment defines practical advantages of HG over other crystal and glassy-like materials during their utilization in the above mentioned areas.